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Embrace Practicality And Release

Full Moon in Capricorn Rituals

Embrace Practicality and Release

As the Full Moon in Capricorn ascends, it illuminates practical matters that demand our attention. It's a time to reflect on our work, career, and finances, and make adjustments where necessary. Release what's no longer sustainable, creating space for new opportunities.

Rituals for Abundance

This Full Moon activates our money zone, inviting us to perform rituals that manifest financial abundance. Consider burning green candles, carrying crystals like citrine or jade, and writing affirmations related to prosperity.

Rituals for Career Success

The Capricorn Full Moon encourages us to take ownership of our career paths. Perform rituals that enhance our professional reputation, build connections, and attract opportunities. Use blue or black candles, carry amethyst or sapphire crystals, and meditate on our career goals.

Rituals for Earthly Connection

Capricorn's earthy nature resonates with grounding and stability. Engage in rituals that connect us with the physical world. Plant seeds in the garden, meditate amidst nature, or burn palo santo to purify our surroundings.


The Full Moon in Capricorn empowers us to make practical choices that align with our values. Embrace the energy of this lunar phase to release what's holding you back and manifest abundance, success, and connection. Seize the opportunity to deepen your grounding and connect with the Earth's restorative power.
